Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Journey - Part 3

For eight years, I believed that my tubal ligation was irreversible because that is what my doctor had told me. However, in December of 2008, after reading Kelly's blog at Generation Cedar, I felt compelled to research reversals. I found an office that specializes in reversals and they said that it was possible to reverse the procedure that I had. They also said that there would be a 60% chance that I could conceive.

I prayed about what I had discovered and in January 2009, I spoke to my husband about it. We decided to go ahead with the reversal procedure because we believed that this is what G-d was calling us to do. We wanted to live in obedience to Him, even if we were never to conceive. Once the decision was made, I felt an immediate peace and joy that I had not felt in the previous eight years. In July 2009 I had the procedure done.

It has been over a year now and we still have not conceived. Even though I would love to have more children, I know it is in G-d's hands. If it is His will for our family, then He will open my womb. If not, I can rest in His perfect plans for the life of our family.

Recently, we have received a new calling. That of adoption. We are at the very beginning of this process and do not yet know where the L-rd will lead us in this. We are very excited about the possibility of bringing children into our family who need to be loved. Abby is excited about the possibility of having a sister (her preference).

I have learned the hard way to stop and ask G-d His will in every aspect of my life. I have made so many mistakes by not going to Him first. Only when I live in obedience to Him, do I have perfect peace, joy and happiness. This has been a long journey, but G-d has taught me much through these trials.

1 comment:

Kim M. said...

That is amazing!!!! I am so happy for you! :-)