Saturday, April 17, 2010

Challenge of the Week

Do you love intentionally? Do you take the time each day to show each member in your family that you love them. Whether it is a quick shoulder rub, time to snuggle with your little one, or a note in the lunchbox, it is important that we find ways to show our family that each one is special and specially loved.

Every day this week, try to find a new way to purposely show your spouse and each child in your home that you love them. Be creative and feel free to share ideas. Here are a few to get you started.

Leave love notes around the house (on the bathroom mirror, on a wallet or a desk)
Do a special activity with your child (something you would not normally do)
Hold their hand
Cook a favorite meal (Get the kids involved if it is for daddy)

And don't forget to tell them how much they mean to you. They need to hear it too.

In His Service,


1 comment:

Kim M. said...

Great challenge! It definitely has to be intentional because it's counter-cultural (we just aren't used to it!).
I hope I can train myself to do this.... it is hard, but God can help us! I wrote a note yesterday and put it on my refrigerator to help remind me.