Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's All in the Timing

I attended a workshop last week and have implemented one of the simplest ideas. I gave my daughter a timer. It cost less than $3.00 and has been one of the best purchases I could buy. She is currently using it to time her piano practice, daily readings and computer time (which we strictly limit). I will sometimes allow her to stay up an extra 15-20 minutes to read before bed and she can now time herself so she knows when it is time for lights out. It is so easy to get caught up in a good book and lose track of time. I am sure we will be using it in her cooking lessons as well. I no longer have her asking me how long she has been reading when I didn't even know she had begun. She now has a tool to make the responsibility of keeping track of time easy for her.

1 comment:

Kim M. said...

good idea. I use the oven timer a lot with my boys (when the egg timer was broken). It really helps!