Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Homeschooling Bests

Here are some of the best things I have done in our homeschool.

1. Reading the Bible to Abby from a very young age. This is still her favorite time of the day.

2. Changing curriculum mid-year. If it's not working, it's not working.

3. Allowing Abby to do something with her hands (coloring, legos, lincoln logs) while I am reading to her. She can focus better when her hands are busy.

4. Adding home-making skills (cooking, cleaning, and especially sewing) to our daily schedule.

5. Chasing Abby's interests. She is more open to learning when it is something she is interested in.

6. Typing a daily schedule. Of course we are flexible but it helps Abby to see an overview of our day.

7. Having consistent discipline in our home. Abby knows the consequences for disobedience so we have very few issues in this area.

In His Service,


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